Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please let us know.

Our preferred method of communication is by phone.  Please understand that contacting us requires you to possibly provide personal information.  We would recommend leaving us with as much information as you are comfortable and waiting until you are talking with us “live” by phone or in person when disseminating more confidential information.  We abide by HIPAA guidelines and will strive to keep all information private.

Office Phone:  443-207-8648


Our Policy for Emergencies:  We reserve emergencies for patients of record.  This allows us to resolve these emergencies with the quickness, care, and time they deserve.  Please call the office and wait for the prompt.  Press #2 to forward your call to the doctor.  All messages (emergency and non-emergency) are monitored by the dentist and will be handled according to his professional judgement.

For Emergencies to the general public:  Welcome!  We are glad you want to see us when you are in pain and desire to get you seen.  Unfortunately, the process cannot be as timely because we do not have all of the information needed to meet our high standard of care.  This includes looking up insurance benefits if you desire to use insurance, creating a personal account with us, providing a medical history, taking records of the problem at hand (most likely x-rays),and preforming a limited exam.  This takes time.  I would urge you to come join our practice before you are in pain so that we can look for these problems before you are in pain.  Otherwise, we will get you in as soon as possible during normal business hours.

Thank you!